Barcelona Tumbang di El Clasico, Fans Bereaksi: Salah Taktik, Salah Pasang Pemain, Pokoknya Salah Xavi - Barcelona yang tampil mengagumkan di Liga Spanyol 2022/2023 tak bisa berbuat banyak di hadapan Real Madrid pada pekan ke-9, Minggu (16/10/2022) malam WIB. Pada laga yang berlangsung di Santiago Bernabeu, Barcelona takluk 1-3 dari Madrid.
Kekalahan ini tidak seperti kekalahan lewat perang taktik yang seru dan menjanjikan. Kekalahan ini jadi ajang ketidakpuasan banyak penggemar terhadap sang manajer, Xavi Hernandez.
Banyak yang berpendapat bahwa kekalahan ini bisa dilimpahkan semuanya kepada legenda hidup Barcelona tersebut. Kesalahan sang manajer dicatat rapi oleh para penggemar.
Mulai dari salah taktik menghadapi Madrid, sampai dengan salah pasang pemain. Intinya, semua salah Xavi sebagai nahkoda tim.
Kira-kira apa saja reaksi netizen atas kekalahan ini? Scroll selengkapnya di bawah, ya, Bolaneters~
Taktiknya Xavi Nih yang Buat Kalah
Xavi's tactics cost us this match. Should have played Dembele on right from the start to 60 minutes. Then Ansu on left and ferran on right. We don't have substitute for LR9. Aubameyang was the ideal one. Bad luck and tactics are equally responsible for this mess. Season is done.
— Rohit (@indian7172) October 16, 2022
Koneksi Pemain Gak Ada
There's no connection between the players on the first half, even though to many space that could be a chance either.
— Azharil (@labibazharil) October 16, 2022
Hopefully xavi can quickly find best combination for starting line up, because i feel so worry to look forward based on our last few match results.
Balik ke Al Sadd Aja
Mr. Xavi, if you continue to compliment your friends, the team is at the expense of other players, so that you know that you will lose a lot. It is better for you to return to the Gulf with Al Sadd Club.
— ShadowDarkens (@shadowdarkens21) October 16, 2022
Kecewa Sekali dengan Xavi
Xavi is a disappointment, no game plan at all. How can you experiment such a big game, when will small head know that Busquet is old and out of sort and cannot be relied upon anymore. Frankie again came on and changed the dynamics of the game, Xavi out!!!!
— SOJ (@iamokama1) October 16, 2022
Salah Xavi Banyak Banget
Disgraceful! Xavi made too many mistakes in tactics and with the substitutions! Ansu Fati should have come in at the start of the second half! It's shameful for Barca to lose both it's chances for the Champions League and La Liga in a matter of days!
— Drilon Djelili (@DrilonDjelili) October 16, 2022
Xavi Gak Bakal Pernah Belajar
Xavi will never learn. Busquets can't handle match of such intensity again. Too slow. Kessie should be starting a match of this calibre. There are matches you play your mentally and physically strong players. Selling Aubameyang was a big mistake. They'd do anything for money.
— Oluwadamilare Alawode (@dredayone) October 16, 2022
Lama-lama Gak Sabar dengan Xavi
I'm running out of patience with xavi 😔
— St. Peter (@NewtonLartey) October 16, 2022
Selalu Ada Aja Alasan untuk Nyerah Sama Tim Ini
U guys continuously give us reasons to give up on this club gosh!! All those mistakes could have been prevented. Bench Sergio and play Gavi he's by far the strongest in attacking. Why was Kessie not brought on!! Gosh! That second goal could have been prevented if they were alert!
— Adiepena (@AdwoaMansa2) October 16, 2022
Waktunya Hilang dan Tak Berkabar
U guys continuously give us reasons to give up on this club gosh!! All those mistakes could have been prevented. Bench Sergio and play Gavi he's by far the strongest in attacking. Why was Kessie not brought on!! Gosh! That second goal could have been prevented if they were alert!
— Adiepena (@AdwoaMansa2) October 16, 2022
Pemain Spanyol yang Bisa Main Cuma Pedri dan Gavi
The only spanish players that can be starters here are pedri and gavi. Every other spanish player is ruining this teams progression, eric is an exception cus we have our cbs injured but he also shouldnt be a starter. What a time to be a barca fan again smh 😮💨😔
— Neqreezy (@Negreezy) October 16, 2022
Sumber: Twitter
Klasemen Premier League 2022/2023
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