Bola.net - Simon Kjaer menjadi sorotan di laga Grup B Euro 2020 antara Denmark vs Finlandia, Sabtu (12/6/2021) karena berperan krusial dalam insiden kolapsnya sang rekan setim, Christian Eriksen.
Sebelumnya, partai pembuka Grup B ini terpaksa dihentikan di akhir babak pertama karena Eriksen tiba-tiba kolaps di tengah lapangan. Eriksen pun langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan perawatan intensif. Syukurlah, playmaker Inter Milan itu dikabarkan dalam kondisi yang stabil.
Segera setelah mengetahui bahwa Eriksen kolaps, Kjaer pun langsung menghampiri rekannya tersebut dan memastikan bahwa sang gelandang tak menelan lidahnya dan berada di posisi yang tepat.
Kemudian, Kjaer langsung mengomando rekan-rekannya untuk berdiri mengerubungi Eriksen yang tengah dirawat tim medis. Hal ini dilakukan agar media yang terus-menerus menyorot sang gelandang.
Tak berhenti sampai di situ, sikap pahlawan Kjaer juga tercermin ketika bek AC Milan itu menghampiri istri Eriksen, Sabrina Kvist Jensen yang tampak cemas menanti kondisi sang suami di lapangan. Kjaer pun kemudian mencoba menenangkan Sabrina.
Netizen di media sosial Twitter pun ramai-ramai memuji sikap pahlawan yang ditunjukkan Kjaer. Berikut beberapa di antaranya.
Tak bisa digambarkan dengan kata-kata
Simon Kjær and Kasper Schmeichel: Two wonderful leaders and outstanding human beings. Their reaction and the reaction of the other players at a time like that was incredible. No words.
— John Bennett (@JohnBennettBBC) June 12, 2021
Luar biasa, Simon!
Simon Kjær’s actions today with Eriksen have been nothing short of heroic. We all think we will jump to help someone who’s in danger, but Kjær actually did.
— Alex Goldberg (@AlexGoldberg_) June 12, 2021
🙌🏼🇩🇰💙 pic.twitter.com/SeciOSofoy
Seorang kapten sejati
Simon Kjær started giving / prepared Eriksen for CPR then went to console his wife, that’s a captain if I’ve ever seen one
— ً (@GASPERlNl) June 12, 2021
Pemimpin. Pahlawan. Legenda
Cleared the airways for Eriksen while making sure he didn’t swallow his tongue and done CPR before the medics saved his life.
— Samue (@SamueILFC) June 12, 2021
Simon Kjær. Leader. Hero. Legend. 🇩🇰❤️ pic.twitter.com/eWhaAAOXZa
Simon Kjaer sang pahlawan
Simon Kjaer not just a captain, but a hero.#Eriksen pic.twitter.com/jRTFDgs1mq
— Yusuf de Souza (@elalmis10) June 12, 2021
Harus terpilih jadi pemain terbaik Euro
Simon Kjaer should be voted player of the tournament.
— James Armstrong 💙 (@MaintainSJP) June 12, 2021
By all accounts he placed Eriksen into the recovery position, cleared his airways, prevented him swallowing his tongue, started CPR before medics arrived and then comforted his wife.
What an absolute hero 🙌 pic.twitter.com/RMjOgTFOP3
Sungguh luar biasa, Kjaer!
From helping the husband and teammate to consoling the wife. Captain Simon Kjær ladies and gentlemen 🥺🥺🥺🙌🏼#Eriksen pic.twitter.com/fnXq4uZMpC
— Lulamile 🇿🇦 (@LushiWorldWide) June 12, 2021
Kjaer layak diganjar medali penghargaan
Simon Kjaer deserves a medal for giving Eriksen possibly life saving medical attention before the medics arrived 👑 pic.twitter.com/neAZLyj2fA
— matt (@thfcmxtt) June 12, 2021
Respek dari Nicolo Barella
Inter’s Nicolò Barella to Simon Kjaer on Instagram: “Beyond the colors. Well done Simon. Great captain and person” pic.twitter.com/fxnB4o3pKV
— Siavoush Fallahi (@SiavoushF) June 12, 2021
Beginilah seharusnya seorang pemimpin bertindak
He ran to adjust Eriksen's position so he wouldn't swallow his tongue - gather the players to make a shield around the player for privacy- he tried to calm Eriksen's wife at the time of her collapse
— ŶĂŠŠĚŘ ♥ا🐼 ツ (@nando__99) June 12, 2021
Simon Kjaer gave a history lesson on the meaning of the word leader 👏#ericson pic.twitter.com/VAgnN9H6Xu
Kjaer sukses atasi pengalaman terburuk dalam hidup
My respect for Simon Kjær is limitless.
— ً (@utdrobbo) June 12, 2021
Moving the limp body of someone close to you — even just for a second — is one of the worst experiences anyone can imagine. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Layak jadi Man of the Match
Whatever the result, give Simon Kjaer Man of the Match #DENFIN #Euro2020
— Tom Bellingham (@TommyWTF1) June 12, 2021
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