Kumpulan Ucapan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris buat Teman

Kumpulan Ucapan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris buat Teman
Ilustrasi ulang tahun, happy birthday. (c) Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Bola.net - Ada banyak cara untuk mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun kepada teman yang merayakan hari kelahiran. Salah satunya dengan ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Ucapan tersebut bisa kamu kirimkan melalui aplikasi pesan, email atau telepon. Namun, akan lebih bermakna jika kamu menyampaikannya secara langsung.

Hari ulang tahun merupakan momen spesial yang hanya dirayakan satu tahun sekali. Kamu bisa turut menjadikan hari tersebut menjadi momen yang membahagiakan bagi teman tercinta.

Ucapan yang kamu berikan dapat menjadi ungkapan terima kasih karena selama ini mereka telah berbagi kebahagiaan dan menemani hari-harimu.

Kamu hanya perlu mengingat momen atau hari spesial yang pernah kalian lakukan bersama saat merangkai kata-kata ucapan selamat ulang tahun tersebut.

Namun, jika kamu masih belum terlalu bisa merangkainya, berikut 30 kata-kata ucapan ulang tahun dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa jadi referensi, dikutip dari Everydaypower.

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Kata-kata Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "Happy birthday to the dearest friend who has been always by my side! Your friendship keeps me strong and moving up in life!"

2. "You’ve always been great at sharing and caring. On this birthday, may you be blessed tenfold with the love that you have given unselfishly to others."

3. "I didn’t know what a true friend was until i met you. You truly have saved me in every way a person can be saved. Happy birthday!"

4. "A friend is one with whom i share happiness, but a best friend is one with whom i can share grief, too. Happy birthday to my best friend!"

5. "I am so proud to be your best friend. May you have a happy and healthy birthday!"

6. "Best wishes on your birthday! You deserve all the wonderful things in this world because you are the best person i know. I love you! Happy birthday!"

7. "If your birthday is half as amazing as you are, it’s going to be epic. Happy birthday to the best friend a person could ask for!"

8. "Wishing my friend a beautiful day; hopes and dreams i'm sending your way. May all be good and all come true on this very special day!"

9. "Having you as my friend is a privilege to me. Happy birthday. You are precious."

10. "Never have i had such a close friend. Happy birthday to you and best wishes always!"

2 dari 3 halaman

Kata-kata Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris

11. "The world is a little bit brighter because of you. Happy Birthday, buddy!"

12. "We’ve shared so much with each other, and i hope you know how much i appreciate you. I am grateful for this day and for all you do. Happy birthday bud."

13. "May this day bring a lot of smiles and happiness to you, my dear friend. Wishing you a great and grand birthday!"

14. "If i could gift you anything, i would gift you the ability to see yourself through the eyes of others. Happy birthday, champ."
15. "Thank you always being there to listen. I am so lucky to have you as my best friend. Enjoy your birthday!"

16. "A special friend like you deserves all the wonderful blessings not only today, but every day! Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true."

17. "Wishing my friend a beautiful day. Hopes and dreams i'm sending your way. May all be good and all come true on this very special day for you."

18. "Best friends are like presents. You are always happy to see them. Happy birthday to the best present that life has given me"

19. "On your birthday, i wish you to have the courage to live at least one more dream, fulfill one more wish and make one more person’s life beautiful"

20. "I learned the meaning of true friendship from you. Happy birthday my friend. Always going to be there for you."

3 dari 3 halaman

Kata-kata Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris

21. "Good friends are worth holding onto. Thank you for holding my hand each day. Happy birthday, best friend"

22. "It is hard to believe so many years have already passed. I am glad we’ve been friends for so long. Happy Birthday to the best!"

23. "Birthdays are a special occasion celebrating your entry into this wonderful world. Enjoy your special day and rejoice in the gift of life, family and friends."

24. "You celebrate this day as your birthday and i shall celebrate our friendship at the same time. Hope you have a great birthday, my friend!"
25. "May this birthday be filled with lots of happy hours and also your life with many happy birthdays, that are yet to come. Happy birthday."

26. "Let’s light the candles and celebrate this special day of your life. Happy birthday."

27. "On your birthday may your spirit be enriched in light, love, and hope for a prosperous year ahead."

28. "Wishing my friend a very happy birthday and you don’t need to speak it out loud that I’m your best friend too. Love you dear."

29. "Soon you’re going to start a new year of your life and i hope this coming year will bring every success you deserve. Happy birthday."

30. "Another birthday means your life journey is incomplete, may your path be paved with success and guided by love. Best wishes, my friend."

Sumber: Everydaypower

Disadur dari: Bola.com/Penulis Rheza Aditya Gradianto/Editor Aning Jati

Published: 20 Oktober 2020