Bola.net - Fans Juventus bersorak gembira menyambut kemenangan atas Napoli, Rabu (7/4/2021). Hasil ini krusial bagi Juve untuk menjaga persaingan di papan atas.
Laga ini adalah laga tunda pekan ke-3 Serie A. Digelar di Allianz Stadium, Rabu (7/4/2021), Juve memetik kemenangan meyakinkan dengan skor 2-1.
Kedua gol Juve datang dari aksi Cristiano Ronaldo (13') dan Paulo Dybala (73'). Napoli kesulitan melawan dan baru bisa mencetak gol balasan di ujung laga melalui Lorenzo Insigne (90').
FT | ⏱ | A HUGE THREE POINTS! 💪⚪️⚫️#JuveNapoli #FinoAllaFine #ForzaJuve pic.twitter.com/RThcHc0ZEE
— JuventusFC (@juventusfcen) April 7, 2021
Hasil ini penting bagi Juventus untuk terus bersaing di papan atas klasemen sementara. Saat ini mereka ada di peringkat tiga dengan 59 poin dari 29 pertandingan, hanya selisih satu poin dari AC Milan di peringkat dua.
Fans Juve menyoroti beberapa hal positif dalam kemenangan ini seperti kembalinya Dybala dan permainan impresif Chiesa di sisi sayap.
Bagaimana ragam reaksi fans Juve untuk kemenangan Ronaldo dkk. kali ini? Scroll ke bawah yuk, Bolaneters!
Chiesa kian mantap!
Chiesa is turning out to be a world class player. Dybala is back and Ronaldo is in form. Let's bring home the coppa italia and let's hope inter Milan lose some games in Serie A so we can catch up. #ForzaJuve
— Keyse #ZoroSzn (@keyse_02) April 7, 2021
Trio lagi oke nih
Good performance. Ronaldo, Chiesa and Dybala all playing great. Class goal from Dybala too. Deserved to win the game because you were the better team. Well done
— Nathan (@UTDxLatest) April 7, 2021
Bukan untuk Scudetto, tapi penting kok
While the points are not really valuable towards scudetto, there are valuable lessons to be learned still to this day. I also believe that Buffon needs more playing time. Some changes should do the team some good. Mentally the boys need work.
— 🖤Jay🖤 (@CA_1916) April 7, 2021
Buffon main jadi lebih oke
What you really notice is how much more organised the defence is with Buffon in goal. Scezney has to go this summer. In the two games we needed him most vs Porto and Torino he committed inexcusable errors.
— Louis Thompson (@lt19922) April 7, 2021
Semua bagus, Cuadrado sedikit lagi ya
Everyone did great today although I wish Cuadrado’s finish could be much better but everyone did great and obviously it has to be CR7 scoring and did what a comeback for Dybala and credits to legendary Buffon also. We just can’t let him go.
— Armaan Cena (@armaan_cena) April 7, 2021
Mencoba dan berharap
Good result lads!
— Avi Arna (@ZigMonVIII) April 7, 2021
We will continue to do what we can do and hope for the best :)
Bagus buat Dybala nih
Good start for dybala
— Gourav Jain 🇨🇳 (@TheGouravJain) April 7, 2021
Gol luar biasa Dybala
Unbelievable goal from dybala. Class player proving he’s still up there with the best players of the world. You should definitely try and get him to sign a new contract
— Nathan (@UTDxLatest) April 7, 2021
Dybala udah kembali nih
At the time he was being considered top 5 players itw and even Messi said he's the next player after Ronaldo & Messi to win the Balon'dor. I believe he'll be back and you should too. Love you Dybala Forza Juve
— Moi #TuchelBall 🇸🇴 (@CFCMoi11) April 7, 2021
Bantu Ronaldo ya
Sign good creative players. You’ll get the best out of him!
— Mshayi we’Steam💨🔫 (@Sphe_Luyanda) April 7, 2021
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