Bola.net - Manchester United telah menanggapi kasus tudingan terhadap Mason Greenwood. Striker muda itu dituding melakukan kekerasan terhadap perempuan.
Minggu (30/1/2022), beredar kabar mengejutkan di media sosial yang dimulai dari kekasih Greenwood, Harriet Robson. Model cantik berambut pirang tersebut mengaku dihajar secara brutal oleh Greenwood.
Melalui instagram pribadinya, Harriet membagikan video yang memperlihatkan kondisi wajahnya yang babak belur akibat perbuatan Greenwood. Bibirnya pun sampai mengeluarkan banyak darah.
Robson juga menuliskan sebuah caption yang menunjukkan bahwa luka tersebut akibat dihajar oleh Greenwood.
Mason Greenwood of Manchester United has been accused of physical abuse 😳 pic.twitter.com/x4NbqVLpUg
— Dami’ Adenuga (@DAMIADENUGA) January 30, 2022
Jawaban MU
Kabar miring tersebut tentu langsung mendapatkan respons negatif. Greenwood dikritik keras oleh fans Setan Merah di media sosial.
Mengutip Manchester Evening News, salah satu juru bicara MU sudah bicara untuk meredam situasi. MU belum bisa berkomentar lebih lanjut sebelum mendalami situasi.
#MUFC statement re allegations about Mason Greenwood from Harriet Robson: “We are aware of images and allegations circulating on social media. We will not make any further comment until the facts have been established. Manchester United does not condone violence of any kind.”
— James Ducker (@TelegraphDucker) January 30, 2022
"Kami menyadari adanya foto-foto dan tudingan yang beredar di media sosial," katanya.
"Kami tidak akan berkomentar lebih lanjut sampai fakta-fakta sudah ditetapkan. Manchester United tidak memaafkan kekerasan dalam bentuk apa pun."
Kasus ini kian mencoreng nama Greenwood yang sudah cukup buruk. Dia dituding sebagai pemain egois di lapangan, dianggap merusak permainan tim.
Meski begitu, hingga kini tudingan tersebut belum terbukti sampai pihak berwenang melakukan penyelidikan.
Sampai gak bisa ngomong
Mason Greenwood, what have you done? Beyond words. Hopefully justice is served, and it’s equally important that Harriet Robson gets the support she needs & deserves.
— Patrick Timmons (@PatrickTimmons1) January 30, 2022
Greenwood salah jalan?
Mason Greenwood should not be on a football pitch for the foreseeable future. What his girlfriend has posted is beyond horrifying.
— Sripad (@falsewinger) January 30, 2022
No 'two sides to the story' defence for this cos the audio clip proves what he was doing.
Another highly talented footballer going the wrong way...
Dukung kekasih
Whatever happens to Greenwood just keep her in mind. No woman deserves to be domestically abused ever. We’re all with you Harriet 🤍 pic.twitter.com/fYOn5lgUZB
— 🇫🇷™ (@ConteSZN_) January 30, 2022
Dianggap memalukan
Mason Greenwood deserves everything that will come his way following this disgusting story.
— UtdFaithfuls (@UtdFaithfuls) January 30, 2022
Absolutely disgraceful to say the least.
Jangan dimaklumi
I’m seeing people making excuses for Mason Greenwood like ‘it’s been a tough season’ ??? Are you on crack? When is physical abuse ever okay?
— 7.🇸🇱 (@septimusajprime) January 30, 2022
Karier urusan nanti
To the people tweeting about Mason Greenwood’s career....
— Team Called Palace (@TCPalacePod) January 30, 2022
I’m sorry but who cares about Mason Greenwood’s career? You should be concerned about Harriet Robson’s well-being and the well-being of the women who face/have faced that kind of abuse. 🤢 pic.twitter.com/CzQ5VeyoKz
Banyak yang harus dijelaskan
Mason Greenwood has a lot of explaining to do - to a police officer, not just his club
— nazir afzal (@nazirafzal) January 30, 2022
There is no excuse for domestic violence, never
These allegations need to be investigated quickly
Insiden yang bikin mual
Just listening to that recording, I actually feel sick. Mason Greenwood, scumbag 🤢
— Roopa (@LFC_RV) January 30, 2022
Gara-gara tekanan?
Mason Greenwood is a reflection of how much pressure to succeed at the highest level is too tough for this generation. Sighs
— Ohia yɛ forkin😩 (@_yasoman) January 30, 2022
Jangan dibuat candaan
Utterly disgusting allegations about Mason Greenwood.
— Adam Millington (@AdamGMillington) January 30, 2022
If your first reaction is to make jokes about Prison FC, then you’re trivialising what victims go through and are part of the problem.
Sumber: Manchester Evening News, Twitter
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