Bola.net - Liverpool harus berjuang ekstra untuk menundukkan Southampton dengan skor 2-0 dalam duel lanjutan Premier League 2020/21, Minggu (9/5/2021) dini hari WIB. Kemenangan ini sangat penting bagi The Reds.
Di tengah masalah inkonsistensi yang menyerang Liverpool beberapa bulan terakhir, kemenangan atas tim selevel Southampton ini terasa begitu berharga.
Hasil ini juga penting bagi Liverpool dalam usaha menembus empat besar. Masi h hada empat laga sisa, Jurgen Klopp dan timnya tidak boleh terpeleset lagi.
Mungkin karena itulah kemenangan kali ini begitu memuaskan bagi sebagian besar fans Liverpool. Namun, ada juga yang merasa kebangkitan Liverpool menjelang akhir musim ini sudah terlambat.
Gak tepeleset lagi!
— 𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮 (@seemu0us) May 8, 2021
Kami menang lho!
We won a game by two goals!! pic.twitter.com/bbqcPvSIxC
— Don Kopleone (@donkopleone) May 8, 2021
Beneran menang
We actually won pic.twitter.com/f9AIyvIuuI
— 𝔻𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕕 (@davidgill001) May 8, 2021
Menang, tapi 4 besar masih jauh
Shoutout to Alisson today. Special thanks to Phillips for carrying the entire defense. Play Rhys against man utd and we will be battered 4-0. No top 4 still, sign some quality players and win the pl next season.
— Damilare🎭 (@sunki_l) May 8, 2021
Jadi gimana caranya kalahkan MU nih
massive win that. please can we somehow just beat united on thursday now?
— Alex🦋 (@lfcalexx) May 8, 2021
Tuh Klopp, udah tau kan
to kloop thats why you should not take thiago off when u only lead with 1 goal.. the game show the good and bad of allison as well, we ride our luck today but good win..
— HALBERTH ZENO (@berthzzenth) May 8, 2021
Istirahat dulu ya
Give them 2 full days off, just massage & check for knocks on Mon, then light training with shooting practice & positive tactics! Too many negative passes ending with poor distribution by Becker. Let's get back to pass, move, shoot & score! Team looked tired.
— Jazzer (@jazzpool21) May 8, 2021
4 pertandingan lagi
Great 3 points tonight. What will be will be with the champions league, 4 more big games ahead..it’s just pleasing to see a good performance #LIVSOT
— Martin Doyle (@martydoyle100) May 8, 2021
Menang, tapi putus asa
Never been so downhearted by a Liverpool victory in my life. Many players on their heels off the ball all night. Lucky with how poor Southampton were. Serious danger of a major embarrassment against United next week. Hope I'm wrong YNWA 🙏🙏🙏
— Wally (@walshajpw) May 8, 2021
Kok terus main di belakang sih?
Why do we insist on playing the ball around at the back, week in week out and there is always a mistake! lucky tonight, negative football always going back it is frustrating to watch at times.
— Steven Masterton (@Smass80) May 8, 2021
What is the deal with this Ben Davies ?
Sulitnya menang
Good one guys, I was almost dying😀.
— Billion☯ (@Itz_Ebenzee) May 8, 2021
Happy for Thiago, and Mane too, he looked dangerous. My MOTM to Allison, Phillips follows closely tho,😉
Alisson oke!
My man of the match is Allison, Thiago great performance. When there is Fabinho in the midfield, I know my team is strong enough to win. When Fabinho is not in the midfield, I don't even watch that game.
— Nzuzo Innocent (@NzuzoInnocent) May 8, 2021
Sedikit terlambat sih
Great result, but perhaps too little too late after points dropped in recent matches
— Grizzly 🏴 (@andyadams101) May 8, 2021
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