Bola.net - Fans Manchester City tidak bisa menerima kekalahan dari Chelsea di final Liga Champions 2020/21. Hasil ini sangat menyakitkan untuk Man City yang sudah bermimpi bakal juara.
Minggu (30/5/2021), duel sengit final UCL 2021 dimainkan di Estadio do Dragao, Portugal. Man City harus mengaku kalah dari Chelsea dengan skor tipis 0-1.
Hanya Kai Havertz yang mencetak gol di menit ke-42, tapi gol semata wayang ini sudah cukup. The Blues berpesta di akhir pertandingan, Man City tertunduk lesu.
Kekalahan ini tampaknya sangat mengecewakan bagi fans Man City yang sudah bermimpi bakal meraih treble winners musim ini.
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7 hari juga percuma
Could have 7 days added on and we won’t score
— C Davenport (@CDavenp14150810) May 29, 2021
Pep harus jawab banyak pertanyaan
We were not good enough tonight unfortunately I think pep has a lot to answer for with that starting lineup, especially Stirling
— paul hilton (@eltonjohnpaul) May 29, 2021
Ngapain Sterling dan tanpa DM?
It is high time Pep had to stop killing his dream. Sterling is completely unnecessary and a holding midfielder should have save this game.
— #Alhamdulilahi (@Rendezvou12) May 29, 2021
Guardiola overthinking sih!
This is what you get when you think you're smarter than yourself and start overthinking things..
— Emma Okon (@EmmaEssence23) May 29, 2021
How do you start a game of this magnitude, the biggest game of the clubs history yet you choose to overthink and play without a DM?
Kok bisa tanpa striker
Pep really thought this was some childish game. You messed up big time. Your starting eleven with no striker showed how much you disrespected Kun and Jesus. Shame on you.
— FruadWayCoke (@CokeThaCityGod1) May 29, 2021
Kok Sterling tiba-tiba main
Sterling was not needed in the quarter finals nor the semi finals and everything went smooth, why Guardiola thought it was a good idea for him to start the final against the team that eliminated you from the FA Cup and beat you on the league?
— Richard Villalobos (@RichlerV) May 29, 2021
Harus terima kalah
Accept your defeat, anytime Sterling starts we lose.. everyone knows that except pep. Pep is the enemy
— Iam_zizi 🐝💙 (@magbegorzino) May 29, 2021
Pep kepedean nih?
Pep Guardiola killed this match with his over confidence. Why on earth will he start the game without a defensive midfielder and a striker, what was he thinking ???
— Victor Adiele (@Vc_Adiele) May 29, 2021
Chelsea has won him on 3 different occasions this season.
So so bad.@ManCity @ChampionsLeague
Anehnya pilihan pemain Pep
Pep may be the best coach out there but he is very arrogant. Keep makes mistake on team selections. Chelsea beat him three times, still, he made the same mistake! Congrats Chelsea!
— Shafiq Rhaman (@srhaman) May 29, 2021
Permainan Man City gak jalan?
Can't believe we changed our whole system to counter this average Chelsea side, we learnt nothing from Lyon. Playing most players out of position, suddenly in the final, these players aren't robots. This ones Solely on Guardiola
— Gueroooo (@Agueroo1108) May 29, 2021
Kesalahan Pep ini
this defeat is on pep. he kept sterling till the 76th min even when he was in james pocket right from the start. we won all our games in ucl this season when sterling and jesus was not playing but he choose to play him in our biggest game. he destroyed the legacy of kun and ferna
— Diashard_city (@JasonDeb5) May 29, 2021
Dua tim Manchester menangis
Dalam seminggu 2 tim kota Manchester menangis di final 😂😂😂 https://t.co/yDkbDQTJpp
— Tukang Takoyaki (@gandhen_Ssl) May 29, 2021
Gak ada obat!
Pertahanan Chelsea gada obat sih, susah sekali ditembus. Shot sja selalu d block, smpe mendy sma skli tdk bsa nangkis tendangan dr pemain Manchester city.
— Maulana Albi (@Maulana_Albi10) May 29, 2021
Sumber: Twitter
Baca ini juga ya!
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