Slogan 32 Tim Piala Dunia 2014

Editor Bolanet | 13 Mei 2014 10:13
Slogan 32 Tim Piala Dunia 2014
(c) AFP
- FIFA telah mengumumkan slogan yang akan terpampang di bus tiap tim peserta putaran final Piala Dunia 2014.

Pemilihan slogan ini sendiri memakai sistem voting dengan melibatkan lebih dari sejuta user di situs resmi FIFA. Dari sekitar 160.000 slogan awal hasil kreasi para fans, terpilihlah 32 pemenang.

Slogan ciptaan mereka lah yang akan menghiasi bus resmi tiap-tiap negara kontestan. Berikut daftar lengkapnya.

Desert warriors in Brazil

No somos un equipo, somos un pais (not just a team, we are a country)

Socceroos: hopping our way into history!

Attendez-vous a l'impossible! (Expect the impossible!)

Zmajevi u srcu...zmajevi na terenu! (Dragons in heart, dragons on the field!)

Preparem-se! o hexa esta chegando! (Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming!)

Un lion demeure un lion (A lion remains a lion)

Hi, chi, chi, le, le, le! viva Chile! (Chi Chi Chi!, Le Le Le! Go Chile)

Aquí no viaja un equipo, viaja todo un paìs! (Here travels a nation, not just a team!)


Mi pasión el fútbol, mi fortaleza mi gente, mi orgullo Costa Rica (My passion is football, my strength is my people, my pride is Costa Rica)


Les éléphants a la conquête du Brésil (Elephants charging towards Brazil!)

S vatrom u srcima za hrvatsku svi kao jedan! (With fire in our hearts, for Croatia all as one!)

Un compromiso,una pasión, un solo corazón, ¡va por ti Ecuador! (One commitment, one passion, only one heart, this is for you Ecuador!)

The dream of one team, the heartbeat of millions!!

Impossible n'est pas Francais (Impossible is not a French word)

Ein land, eine mannschaft, ein traum (One nation, one team, one dream!)

Black Stars: here to illuminate Brazil

Heroes play like Greeks

Somos un pueblo, una nación, cinco estrellas de corazón (We are one country, one nation, five stars on the heart)

Honour of Persia

Coloriamo d'azzurro il sogno mondiale (Let's paint the Fifa World Cup dream blue)

Samurai, the time has come to fight!


Enjoy it, Reds!

Siempre unidos… siempre aztecas! (Always united, Always aztecas)

Echte mannen dragen oranje (Real men wear orange)

Only together we can win

O passado é história, o futuro é a vitória (The past is history. The future is victory)

No one can catch us

En nuestro corazón, la pasión de un campeón (Inside our hearts, the passion of a champion)

End station: 13.07.2014 Maracana! (Final stop: 07-13-14 Maracana!)

Tres millones de ilusiones.... vamos Uruguay (Three million dreams … Let’s go Uruguay)


United by team, driven by passion.

Dari semua slogan di atas, manakah yang jadi favorit Bolaneters? [initial]
